The Environmental Database (in Portuguese, Banco de Dados Ambientais “BDA”) Netuno aims to provide easy access to society to public data originated from the environmental permitting of marine seismic activities in Brazil, currently under responsibility of the General Coordination of Environmental Permitting of Marine and Coastal Developments (CGMAC), of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA).
The database centralizes the data resulting from the implementation of the various monitoring, control, mitigation, and research projects required by the permitting Institute. The BDA Netuno allows the simultaneous viewing of marine biota sighting and acoustic detections as well as fishing vessels data from multiple projects, implemented by different member companies.
Netuno receives data from all standard environmental projects requested by IBAMA: Social Communication Project (“PCS”), Pollution Control (“PCP”), Marine Biota Monitoring (“PMBM”), Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PMAP), Monitoring of Impacts of Platforms and Vessels on Birdlife (PMAVE) and provides general information from research projects, under the item Special Projects. In parallel, the data referred to non-standard projects such as whales and turtles satellite monitoring can be found in a GeoNodes platform which can be accessed from Netuno.
The BDA Netuno is the result of a joint effort between IBAMA and the industry, originating from IBAMA requirements through the General Coordination of Oil and Gas - CGPEG, currently CGMAC, in the Terms of Reference (ToRs) for maritime seismic activities off the Brazilian coast #028/14, 034/14, 015/14, 019/14 and 029/14, respectively from the geophysical companies CGG do Brasil Participações Ltda, Polarcus Serviços Geofísicos do Brasil Ltda., WesternGeco Serviços de Sísmica Ltda. and the operator Chariot Brasil Petróleo e Gás Ltda.
Recognizing the importance of the database, the companies BGP Brasil Serviços e Equipamentos Geofísicos Ltda., PGS Investigação Petrolífera Ltda., Spectrum Geo do Brasil Serviços Geofísicos Ltda. and TGS do Brasil Ltda, with the support and coordination of the International Association of Geophysical Contractors (IAGC), now EnerGeo Alliance, joined the effort to develop a unique product, materializing what had been an ambition for more than a decade in Brazil from both private and public sector: developing an environmental database, with public access, centralizing the data collected as part of the permitting requirements. The development of the BDA is in line with the Ministry of Environment Ordinance # 422 of 26/10/11, which allows, under the O&G activities permitting , the implementation of regional environmental programs shared among companies, provided the responsibility for its implementation is clearly defined.
Netuno was - and continues to be - designed together, as a result of numerous meetings and collaboration between energy geoscience companies, IBAMA, EnerGeo and consultants managed as an EnerGeo Program. Netuno is live database, in continuous progress. Its initial development was done by the company Prooceano Serviço Oceanográfico e Ambiental and is currently being maintained and developed by the Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI).
Given the public nature of the information contained and the understanding of the relevance of the initiative, in 2018, the Superintendence of Technical Data (SDT) of the National Agency of Oil, Gas and Biofuels (ANP), through an Agreement with IBAMA, hosts the public version of BDA Netuno, also known as BDEP Environmental. In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the Neptune has a private access version, which offers management tools to its members, IBAMA and ANP, offering dedicated areas for viewing permitting applications and granted permits among other benefits.